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Years of war in Yemen have resulted in territorial and governmental fragmentation. Now rival banking authorities are further destabilizing the country’s economy.

Mutahar Abdulaziz Al-Abbasi

“We can now really speak about two Arab worlds: the Gulf and everyone else.” 

Tarik M. Yousef

Middle East Council experts analyze the implications of the exchange of strikes between Iran and Israel for the ongoing war on Gaza.

Galip Dalay, Omar H. Rahman, Ranj Alaaldin, Özge Genç, Adel Abdel Ghafar, Shahram Akbarzadeh, Hamidreza Azizi

In recent years, several of the Middle East conflicts that raged in the previous decade have simmered down. But with the potential for relapse high, what can be done to prevent it?

Ranj Alaaldin

The spillover from Israel’s onslaught of the Gaza Strip is not only generating conflict in far-reaching places from Lebanon to Yemen, but is creating economic consequences that could affect the entire globe.

Faozi Al-Goidi, Oumeyma Chelbi

A major conflagration in the Middle East has loomed large since October 7, and each day that Israel’s onslaught of Gaza continues with U.S. backing, it becomes more likely

Omar H. Rahman