The Doha Global South Health Policy Initiative was launched yesterday to develop a collaborative platform for countries in the Global South to address their healthcare challenges and find actionable solutions.
Omar H Rahman from the Middle East Council on Global Affairs discusses the national strike across Israel and whether it can force PM Netanyahu to the negotiation table for a Gaza ceasefire.
As the Middle East Council on Global Affairs reported in April, 2024, “Sudan is one of the world’s most vulnerable countries to climate change. Rising temperatures, increasingly erratic monsoon rains, prolonged droughts, and frequent flooding pose mounting threats to both the environment and human society.”
“Israeli society is very fragmented, and there’s anger coming from different sides. … Maybe Netanyahu believes that as long as there is an existential threat from abroad, the turmoil within the country as a whole can be held together through that pressure,” Omar Rahman, a fellow at the Middle East Council on Global Affairs, told Al Jazeera.
Middle East Council on Global Affairs | Webinar on “Digital Deception: Disinformation, Elections, and Islamophobia,” September 2, 2024, featuring Juan Cole, Marc Owen Jones, Sohan Dsouza, and Sahar Aziz.