Shifting Arab Public Opinion and the Gaza War

Doha Forum

December 7, 2024

Saturday, December 7, 2024
2:30 pm GMT - 3:15 pm GMT
Doha Forum
Sheraton Grand Hotel, Salwa 1


Widespread support for the Palestinian cause across the region has led countries to reconsider normalization with Israel, making additional demands for fear of repercussions from the public. Measuring the views of MENA publics is challenging, but Arab Barometer offers a unique data set to consider how views have shifted as a result of the war on Gaza and the implications this may have for global and regional actors.

Reflecting on results of nationally representative public opinion surveys conducted after October 7, the Middle East Council on Global Affairs in partnership with the Arab Barometer examine the implications of these shifts on the region’s future and hopes for a resolution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.


Nabih Bulos
Middle East Bureau Chief, Los Angeles Times


Michael Robbins
Director and Co-Principal Investigator, Arab Barometer
Amaney Jamal
Arab Barometer Steering Committee and Dean of School of Public Policy and International Affairs at Princeton University
Nadim Houry
Executive director of the Arab Reform Initiative.
Senior Fellow and Director